Government Documents,
PDF's, Links & Templates.

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Global and Government entity documents.

The documents cited below are documents that lay out the plan to introduce and implement biowarfare on the population and justify its implementation among the populace, including other nefarious actions.  
The most recent documents that I mention on the show are at the bottom of the list.

Click on a title below to download the PDF:

1.  WHO: Best practice guidance // How to respond to vocal vaccine deniers in public.


3.  ACIP:  General Best Practice Guidelines for Immunization.

4.  LEGAL HISTORY - AMERICAN DOMESTIC BIOTERRORISM PROGRAM Enabling statutes, regulations, executive orders, guidance documents and budget allocations.

5.  LEGAL WALLS of the COVID-19 KILL BOX Militarization of public health/public health false-front for military campaigns as viewed through the Covid-19 lens.

6.  Declassified CONPLAN 8888.

7.  WHO's Zero Draft Pandemic Treaty (Feb 1, 2023).

8.  The WHO is Planning for World Tyranny.  

9.  The UN's WHO Pandemic Treaty Proposed Revisions.

10.  The WHO's "The 8 March Principles for a Human Rights-Based Approach to Criminal Law Proscribing Conduct Associated with Sex, Reproduction, Drug Use, HIV, Homelessness and Poverty."

11.  UNESCO's "International technical guidance on sexuality education An evidence-informed approach."

12.  The Pfizer Vaccine CRISPR Experiment.

13.  WHO revisions and Progress Report (April 14th, 2023) 

14.  Crimson Cognation Functional Exercise Key Findings (2019 PDF)

15.  Public Health Preparedness Successes: Operation Crimson Contagion Closed POD Exercise Media Campaign (2019 PDF)

16.  Depopulation as a Policy Challenge in the Context of Global Demographic Trends (UN Serbia)


18.  Rejecting Monopoly Power Over Global Public Health (7 Pages).

19.  Political Declaration to be adopted at the High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF), under the auspices of the General Assembly in September 18-19, 2023

20.  The Court System and Freemasonry. 

21.  The Sphere Handbook:  Humanitarian Charter and Minimum Standards in Humanitarian Response.

22.  The SPARS Pandemic: A Futuristic Scenario for Public Health Risk Communicators.

23.  National Survey of College Student COVID-19 Vaccination Uptake, Attitudes, Experiences, and Intentions (September 2022).

24.  COVID-19 and Illegal US Bioweapons Activity, an Insider's Revelations.  by J. Bart Classen, MD*

25.  Basilisk: How the Regime Works, and A Model of Retaliation on how to beat it.

26.  Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars: An Introductory Programing Manual.

27.  HHS: Notice of Declaration Under the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act for Countermeasures Against Ebolavirus and/or Ebola Disease and Marburgvirus and/or Marburg Disease.

28.  HHS: Institutional Review Board Waiver or Alteration of Informed Consent for Minimal Risk Clinical Investigations.

29.  Regional Plan Association's "America 2050 Prospectus."

30.  Bloodlines of the Illuminati.  By Fritz Springmeier (1995).

31.  Project MK-ULTRA (CIA Declassified program).

32.  The Lobby. (Documentary).

33.  A Study on Assassination: A 1953 CIA document on the long history of the involvement of the intelligence agency in political killings.  

34.  Project 2025: By The Heritage Foundation.

35.  Replacement Migration: Population Division Department of Economic and Social Affairs United Nations Secretariat.

36.  The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion.

37.  Wireless Body Area Networks and Their Applications—A Review.


Karen Kingston's Letter to Sheriff's

Click below to download and edit a letter you need to send to your Sheriff's departments to have them remove the bio-weapon shots from your county, health departments and other country locations.  

Read more

"Email Template" Regarding the COVID Bio-Weapon and 5G for local, county and state officials (Edited over time)

Click below to download the email template in PDF. Copy, edit and paste to make it specific to your town, city, county and state.

Click to download

Religious Exemption Templates: Gab.

Religious Exemption documents for download: Click below.

Click to download

Religious Exemption Template and Fact Sheet.

The Rutherford Institute's Religious Exemption form and fact sheet.
Both PDF's are on the right-hand side. 

Click to download

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